Monday, August 1, 2011

August 2011

We had a super-duper time at UMS!!! Thanks to all of those that attended. And sorry about vomiting in your car Sally - it must of been those blue twinkies they were passing out.

Our favorite show (Madness on the Mountain) of the year is next on August 19/20 weekend. This is a crazy 2 day event on the side of a mountain just outside Steamboat Springs. Friday night's bill includes Denver favorites Panal s.a. de c.v. (tits), Fire in the Asylum (balls), Landgrabbers (nipples) the Fuzz and our good buddies The Amputators (spit). Saturday night is hippy-run-around-in-the-woods-naked night (Oscar's favorite)!!! If you want more info or directions contact us at

Blow me